Setting Intentions For 2023

Steph Jessica Allman
4 min readDec 20, 2022


Photo by Ronnie Overgoor on Unsplash

This time of year always makes us reflect and forward plan. But rather than making lack lustre resolutions that barely last the month, why not create some goals that are actually achievable?

I genuinely can’t remember the last time I created a New Years resolution. They’ve just never been achievable. Sure, i want to quit smoking (again), I want to lose weight, and I want to devote more time to self care, but there’s something about making it my New Years resolution that makes the task feel impossible.

Perhaps it’s the time of year…

You want to lose weight but there’s too many leftover turkey sandwiches.

You want to relax more but you’re family drive you insane.

You want to quit smoking but January is such a drag, it’s the only way to get through.

There’s a reason it’s one of the most depressing months of the year.

What’s the point of making resolutions if they’re just going to be broken? Personally I’ve never seen the point. But there’s still stuff I want to do with my year. I have goals, I just don’t believe in setting them the moment the ball drops.

So I started setting intentions, planning what I can do and setting realistic goals to achieving them. It’s almost therapeutic, and it’s definitely a better alternative.

I’ve been thinking about 2023 since the start of December. This years been full of so many ups and downs, I’m hoping the New Year will tops the scales closer to the positive. I know I’ve definitely lacked on growing my business over the last quarter of the year, which I hate myself for. But sometimes you just need to be able to take a break from staring at your laptop and try to enjoy the world around you.

If you’re hoping to start a new year with some goals in mind, great! You’re taking a moment to realise you can grow and start setting some realistic plans in action to help you grow. As we’re getting closer to that awkward gap between Christmas and NYE, I thought I’d share the best way to cut out pointless resolutions and start making something more realistic.

Step 1: Create a life audit

Last year I started the habit of doing a life audit. A life audit is a full, thorough assessment of your life. You take stock of anything that’s taking up time, space, mental energy, and physical energy. This thorough assessment will give you a clear picture of your life, what’s going well, and what isn’t going well.

Without sounding dramatic, the experience can get pretty devastating depending on how your year has gone. I feel like as humans, we have a tendency to reflect only on the top level. We look back at the year as either good or bad, no in between.

When it came to doing my own life audit, I decided to go with Notion, which can only be described as the Gen Z version of an excel spreadsheet (That being said, I seriously recommend it). But I also kept it simple, rating myself based on: work, life, and mental behaviour over the past year then planning outcomes for the next.

Step 2: What’s next?

Now you’ve had chance to look back at days gone by, ask yourself what you want to achieve by this time next year. I try and base a lot of these off my goals from the past year. What can I do to improve on what I achieved last year? Was there a reason why some of my goals fell short?

Is there anything new to add to the list? We change so much over the space of the year, there might be more to add to the list.

Step3: Plan a realistic way of achieving those goals

This is the bit I always enjoy, what can you actually do to make these goals happen? When it comes to setting New Years resolutions, it’s very easy to aim for the stars but is it something you can really achieve?

Whilst you’re working out your plans for 2023, try think about how you’re actually achieving them. If you’re not confident that you can carry out the plan by the end of the year, try chasing a smaller version of the goal. Rome wasn’t built in a day and not all resolutions can be finished in a year.

Starting The New Year As A Freelancer

Being honest, I wish more of my goals were personal. But a lot of my goals the past few years have been based purely around growing my business. I’ve achieved them, don’t get me wrong, but I hope that this new year is filled with a better work life balance.

I’m incredibly positive about the year to come, both from a personal and professional point of view. A new year is full of possibilities, chances for change, and space for growth. I refuse to be one of those people who are stuck in their ways, and expect a rubbish 2023.

The new year is what you make of it, and with proper goal setting you’re setting yourself up for an amazing new year.



Steph Jessica Allman

23 | Digital Marketer in London | Freelance copywriter | Writing about marketing, social media and various other newsworthy topics. Blog: