Getting back into the swing of it

Steph Jessica Allman
2 min readNov 21, 2022


Photo by Victoria Belomyttseva on Unsplash

It’s been quite some time since I last popped up on Medium. I think my last entry was at the start of the year. Most likely promising high quality content, posted weekly, or even daily.

Sometimes that’s just not how it crumbles. Life gets in the way, problems arise, people come and go, and the time to write dwindles into practically nothing.

As someone who regularly involves themselves in writing communities, I always find time away a little bit shameful. There’s so many people talking about the benefits of a writing streak, with some spanning years. It’s difficult to remember that everyone’s writing is their own, there’s no minimum requirement for creativity.

Hence, why I’m back here…slowly but surely writing from my phone as I commute to work… hoping to make a habit of it, but not edging all my bets on it either. Writing is a release, but you don’t always have time to relax after a long day or month.

This past week I feel like I’ve come out of a coma. I’m still incredibly overwhelmed in every aspect of life but I’m more aware of the details within it. I’m not stumbling through life in some blissful haze as I know I can do. I’m finally back into the swing of things.

Friends come and go, clients may drive you mad, and work might be sucking your soul. But if you can’t something positive that has the potential to be consistent in your life, then pursue it at a pace you can handle.

You might start small, once a week.

You might forget to do it for months.

But as long as you can return to it whenever, then it’s worth something.



Steph Jessica Allman

23 | Digital Marketer in London | Freelance copywriter | Writing about marketing, social media and various other newsworthy topics. Blog: